Killing themselves was unnecessary. But it certainly is a good PR move

Terrible story from todays guardian: Killing themselves was unnecessary. But it certainly is a good PR move. Oddly enough I don't see this in the blogosphere... maybe because there isn't much else to say. Or people are too busy with the football?

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I think they should all work on getting LOTS more good PR!

BTW - By football, do mean the boring "sport" of soccer? Or real football, like the Arena League Championship, won by Mike Ditka's Chicago team?


You must have gotten off the HuffPo list. They led with the story today.

So how did you do it? For some reason, I'm now on it.

[Ha ha. Maybe I subscribed you :-). I couldn't get off, but I did get into my account and changed the email address to a junk one... -W]

I had heard of the deaths, but not the charming comments from the defenders of the Free World.

Considering that only about half the inmates have any alledged connection at all to Al Queda, forget any proven connection, this just gets more sickening by the day.

If America wasn't the Land of the Brave, those Prisoners With Bedsheets would have us so terrified we'd be running around like chickens with our heads cut off ...

Another point you can be sure the rightwingnuts won't focus on is the fact that one of the three was already scheduled for release (but no-one had told him).

It's the sort of thing you would expect to see in The Onion.. I'm sure, of course, that Bush and Blair will demonstrate their resolve and stength by striking back in the same manner.

By Andrew Dodds (not verified) on 13 Jun 2006 #permalink