Rabett vs Michaels

Eli Rabett has some fun with Patrick Michaels.

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Notorious fraud Pat Michaels is in the news some more. First, Coby Beck reports that California as part of discovery in lawsuit involving automobile companies and global warming wants: All DOCUMENTS relating to both GLOBAL WARMING and to any of the following individuals: S. Fred Singer, James…
The Hook reports: In papers sent to UVA April 23, [Virginia Attorney General] Cuccinelli's office commands the university to produce a sweeping swath of documents relating to Mann's receipt of nearly half a million dollars in state grant-funded climate research conducted while Mann-- now director…
Robert McClure reports: Now the Society of Environmental Journalists' Watchdog Tipsheet has just revealed that Michaels withdrew as an expert witness in a recently decided landmark court case in which automakers sought to turn back state efforts to rein in cars' production of greenhouse gasses.…
Nude Scientist (thanks Eli) has a feature on wot bits of AR4 will be controversial. Which I think is a bit premature and maybe a bit silly too, but I guess they have to write something in the absence of a quotable draft. Anyway, the bit that stuck out to me was: Michaels has analysed publications…

Hi Stoat, it's not just climate change the Bush Administration and Tony Blair are laughing at...

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