A not very subtle climate-and-flying campaign... checkout top-10-facts point 2 for fun with extrapolation...

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This is a guest post from John Mashey. An amusing coincidence surfaced a few days ago, relating the US Presidential campaign of Texas Governor Rick Perry to the Peter Wood kerfuffle at Chronicle of Higher Education (CHE), including the stir in some parts of the blogosphere. I explain that, followed…
Its hardly an original question. And the answer (we don't know) isn't original either. In case you were wondering, this is Overland and Wang, GRL 2013, doi: 10.1002/grl.50316 (PDF courtesy of V). Different but not entirely different to A sea ice free summer Arctic within 30 years?, also in GRL; or…
At SteelyKid's softball game today, the Pip provided an ideal cute-kid photo to use as a springboard to some SCIENCE! Or at least, a graph... Anyway, here's the Little Dude showing off how tall he's gotten: The Pip under Kate's coat. OK, really he's hiding under Kate's raincoat (after two…
First, there is no hiatus. Climate science skeptics claim that warming stopped in 1998. It didn't. Stefan Rahmstorf has a nice post placing 2013 in context with the most recent data, HERE. Just click the "translate" button to read it in your favorite language. UPDATE: Stefan's post is now HERE…