Stern review (pre-post)

Don't you just hate it when the newspapers write up something based on selective leaks and insider info, and then fail to properly report on the real thing because its been done already? Well, I'm not going to do that to the Stern Review (side note: if you look up Stern report on google, I'm one of the top hits - but only because its real name is S review...). The SR, you'll recall, was a report commissioned by the UK govt into the economics of climate change.

Now the Grauniad says: Tackle climate change or face deep recession, world's leaders warned based on All of [Stern's] detailed modelling out to the year 2100 is going to indicate first of all that if we don't take global action we are going to see a massive downturn in global economies by David King. Well. Maybe. I suppose we'll have to see...

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OK, I'm desperately trying to understand Stern, and failing. Things just don't seem to connect together properly. Possibly if I actually read the entire thing carefully... but who has the time. So, if anyone can explain to me: Stern sez: Using the results from formal economic models, the Review…

If you google 'The Stern Report', you'll find the submissions from organisations such as the Tyndall Centre, 4CMR ICEPT, the WWF and others; pick your poison. I also came across a comment from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, from last November, saying that they thought the Stern report was a good idea and the Americans should do the same thing. I wonder what they'll be saying next week.

The Tyndall and ICEPT submissions are quite long, but are readable and worth the effort; there is a lot to think about in them.

I'd attach the Adobe files if I knew how, but I don't.

By Fergus Brown (not verified) on 29 Oct 2006 #permalink