
Via Miriam, I see that Bad Science (Ben Goldacre's column in the Grauniad) is now a book (pre-publication); so is Tim Worstall's though he may not be so happy with the "31 used & new available from £0.01"!

More amusingly (again via M) is Hairy Pooter 7, which although not yet published already has 5 5-star reviews (sample: "I feel that will will be worth all 5 stars when it comes out so I have gave it such") and a sales rank of... yes, you guessed it, 1.

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A stunning success that book was as well when it came out 14 months ago. Despite being part of the Waterstone's special offers, 3,500 sold. Then, when the next 6 month royalty report came in, zero sales and nearly 1,000 returns.

So book writing (or at least that book) actually less profitable than blogging (or at least my blog). Ho hum.

Someone else did this year's version thankfully.