Another little break from AIT, this time inspired by CIP to scrappleface.

Apologies for the caps, its directly lifted and I didn't want to change it (read: couldn't be bothered to type it all out again). Or perhaps he really did spend the entire speech shouting; its possible, the things he said deserve to be shouted. This is Sanchez, on the evil stupid Iraq war (though the beeb said he was an inglorious part of Abu-Ghraib). There is plenty more quotable in there - "THERE HAS BEEN A GLARING, UNFORTUNATE, DISPLAY OF INCOMPETENT STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP" would do, though he knocks party-partisanship lower down. HE signs off with " PRAISE BE TO THE LORD MY ROCK WHO TRAINS MY FINGERS FOR BATTLE AND MY HANDS FOR WAR." I don't suppose its any use quoting "Thou shalt not kill", people are always rather selective in their bible readings.

scarppleface commented on this under "Retired General Upgrades War to 'Nightmare' Status" which I thought rather good. In fact the later article there calls attention to Sanchez remarks on the media, which I was about to say "are worth reading" before realising that I only skimmed them, so perhaps they aren't after all. If i had more time.

But this is really only an excuse to steal the following funny from scrappleface: "Gore Wins Nobel Prize, High Court Gives It to Bush... Although former Vice President Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize this week for his work as a global-warming performance artist, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled early today that President George Bush would receive the gold medal, the diploma and the $750,000."


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