Weird tech

Via David Appell:


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That is one of the creepiest vids I've ever seen. I can't explain just gives me the willies. Cool technology though!

[It scares me when I think of them being used for crowd control, say. Or worse -W]

The balance and posture recovery is particularly impressive.

Mind you, looking at this robot's main website, it appears to be heavily top-down designed, which I find inherently less interesting than behaviour-based robotics, but I'm probably jaded by now, and that doesn't make their accomplishment any less impressive.

It'd be really good to carry the disabled around. Cyborgs at last.

Impressive ... but I'd like to see how it recovers from a force that lifts it and deposits it on its back.

Those guys should produce a dinosaur and use it to simulate footprints. It would be really great to study ichnology. But I am quite sure they are planning much less exhiting things, such as killing enemies in remote controlled night blitzs or so... military people have no fantasy at all.

By Nereo Preto (not verified) on 28 Mar 2008 #permalink

Will beastie 2.XX have doubled appendages and be called the Big Arachnid?

By WhiteBeard (not verified) on 29 Mar 2008 #permalink

Mountaineers could use it to bring a G&T up from Everest base camp.