
My first post at NextGen is now up.

More excitingly, tonight is the first of the bumps. Go Chesterton 2!

More like this

It is the first night of the bumps (and see? I haven't bored you with the boaties for ages). This isn't us - this is Cantabs II in M1 just about to catch what must be 99's III, I'd guess. Congratulations to all of them and in particular Petr Arnold at bow. He certainly looked very happy…
Hansen again. He seems to have got bored with saying climate sensitivity is 6 oC, and now agrees with JA that its 3 oC. Hurrah. Less excitingly, his estimate for all-ice-sheet melt on 2-3 x CO2 is now "it would take some time", which has the virtue of vagueness. But far more excitingly, he is now…
Chesterton came 3rd in the X-Press head though I don't think thats very useful for seeding crews for the City bumps in July. 9:42 is a passable time, on the right side of 10 mins, though a long way short of City's 8:59. But the boat was full of subs (like me) so will hopefully go faster once the…
This week is the Lent bumps, and I've been down to watch (except tuesday, when I forgot - since when do the bumps run over 5 days? - and thursday, when it was grey and miserable). Today was a lovely still sunny chill March afternoon, and I was rewarded with some fine bumping action to watch. First…