Buy our stuff (part 2)

Wireless scales! Your weight beamed to your mobile! See here.

Now we just need to work out what to call it.

The wire is just the power cord to the scales, of course, not connecting the scales to the phone :-)


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[Ah, you win the "best comment for a long time" prize :-)

In fact, maybe I should have such a prize -W]

Build the scales into shoe insoles, so they can track both your walking and your weight and whisper little pre-recorded phrases related to exercise and weight into your bluetooth headset, right?

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

Ah. A handy tech for people who are so fat their stomach hides the scale display.

William, would this work for a barometer/altimeter?

How about an airflow pattern detector?

I'm wondering how many of them I could apply to a hang glider wing and whether they'd give a fast and useful readout of where the flow was doing what.

Not quite yet?

[Its a bluetooth variant, but one designed to be low power. So your problem would probably be interfacing them to the detection equipement more than anything else -W]

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 27 Aug 2008 #permalink