Sculling again

It is spring, the daffodils are out, the hour has nearly changed, and longen folk to go down to the river again. In fact I've been rowing all winter (Emma blogged our last race in rather different weather), but this Sunday was the Cantabs "taster" session for junior scullers; and my son and a couple of his friends gave it a go.

I'm pleased to say that they were all very enthusiastic and by and large got the hang of it. Next week they get to untie the bit of string and get the freedom of the Cam. These are virus sculls.

I also found out where Chesterton's scull is - answer, in the four shed, rather inconveniently placed, something of a nightmare to get out. I also discovered that it works better when you put the strokeside blade in strokeside... I have a strong feeling that all the sculling I've done before has been with symmetrical blades.

Meanwhile, can you name the mystery sculler in the background?


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William .. not sure if you use those indoor training rowing sort of things, but there is an Aussie mob that make a wee attachment that they claim helps to stop you stuffing your back up when you're using one. Thought you might be interested:

[Interesting. My immeadiate reaction was, this is new and so must be wrong. OTOH, on many boats it is hard to fully straighten the legs anyway. Next time I'm on an erg I shall have to think about it -W]

Oh, forgot to guess .. Ross Kemp?

Having taken Lily Tomlinâs âMan invented language to satisfy his deep need to complainâ as a motto, its -4C as I key this. About 2/10th m of snow fell in the last 24 hrs and daffodils are 6 or 7 weeks out.

By WhiteBeard (not verified) on 22 Mar 2009 #permalink

Looks like some else had the same idea as Aidan's link:
Although for this link the primary purpose is to prevent over compression with limiting the straight knees is secondary. Also check out the other accessories at the same site. The sculling simulator looks really interesting.

Seems like rowing strapless may solve some of the same problems but not having tried these devices can't say for sure. I do most of my erg work strapless (except for intervals when I'm over about 28 strokes per minute and even then sometimes).

Also check this out:
And also see the link to the CP-1 on the left at this site:
I do have one of those. I can definitely feel it one long rows, but it does rub my butt a bit after 25K or so on the erg.
I do use the C2 slides often. I think slides are a really good idea for anyone who is an OTW rower.

Anything that will make the erg more like sculling seems like a good idea to me. It is just much too easy for the erg to screw up on the water technique.

So .. who is the mystery rower?

[Tis Andy Nicol -W]