Agreeing with Pielke, Sr

Just to show how ecumenical I am, I agree with (most of) RP Sr's post Comment On News Article On Weather Modification Titled ""Playing With Weather Stirs Debate In China". Which basically says "stop being such a bunch of credulous bozos".

I reviewed that "Human Impacts on Weather and Climate" for Weather, once, you know.

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Asks RP Sr's paper in GRL (or rather, ask Thomas N. Chase, Klaus Wolter, Roger A. Pielke Sr and Ichtiaque Rasool). Interestingly, they conclude "not really". This of course is contrary to what everyone knows, so their paper has been ignored, to RP's annoyance. And if I had demonstrasted…

That's because they've got a *serious* desertification problem. And of course, in a country with a population that size, lots of people have to be kept busy doing useless things. But the main thing is that the central government needs to be able to pretend they've got a plan other than abandonment.

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 15 Nov 2009 #permalink

> see RPjr

Yeah, that's a meta-concern meta-troll thread developing there. Amazing.

There ought to be an academic field interested in the study of how this stuff happens and how people pile into it.

This is so fascinating because I am both (physical scientist, biologist/social scientist, anthropologist) but to make money must lean more on the phy. science side and like to vent in these climate forums.
This parallels so closely real issues I have with conservation biology (of which I have my own "auditing" background).
I have met RPjr and think he understands the key realities of policy implementation as perhaps only a social scientist can, which is superior or more realistic in my view than most physical scientists.
"there ought to be an acedemic field . . ." careful what you wish for, Hank.

. . .and WC - the inline response from a while ago about your snark being on hair-trigger - very, very, very, very funny!

By thomas hine (not verified) on 19 Nov 2009 #permalink