Where's Loki?

Dr Southgate has lost his cat. Please see http://www.wheresloki.com/.

This post is most likely to be of interest to Cambridge residents. Please don't prove me wrong :-).


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Our cat ended up 100 km from home and was returned from the animal shelter because he was implanted with one of those readable chips that links to a database with our telephone number. Now how he got there is another story....good luck finding this shaggy good-looking creature...

By Pinotgraves (not verified) on 03 May 2010 #permalink

I read of a cat from Calgary, Alberta, who went on vacation with his keepers and went out strolling somewhere near Quebec City; lost.

The cat came back about 11 months later, little the worse for the (long) journey home.

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 03 May 2010 #permalink

Has the dog been lokiated yet?

Also, one summer my cat went on a walkabout and came back about 7--10 days later. A bit hungery and thirsty, but generally looking quite satisfied with itself.

Later someone mentioned he thought he'd Squeek down by the river.

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

that's one long vacation, that 11 months. we've had two cats on separate occasions hitching a ride in the engine compartment of a car, apparently it's a popular place to spend cold nights.

An anonymous over at the Loki page makes the wonderful suggestion that to get their cat back they made a cat-calling audio CD (can opener and dish sounds) set on repeat-play through speakers outdoors.

I'm sure the neighbors would understand ....

Got a part-time job at Citi? (he is a trickster)

By thomas hine (not verified) on 06 May 2010 #permalink