
DSC_4358 Well, just one politician really. And an American one, and Republican at that, so I suppose we can hope his stupidity isn't truely representative. David Appell provides a wonderful quote from Chris Christie and Global Warming, from which I excerpt:

...that's probably one of the reason's why I became a lawyer, and not a doctor, or an engineer, or a scientist, because I can't figure this stuff out.

Yes, that's right all you lawyers out there: the Law is for people too dumb to figure stuff out :-). And politics, presumably, is for those too dumb even for the Law.

[I apologise for the lack of actual substance here. It is cold and wet outside right now, if that helps. The picture is totally irrelevant; it is Stanage, Black Hawk area: ah, memories of Spring]

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You should so pop in next time you're near Stanage. I live about 12 minute's drive away.

We could even team up and climb something!

[That sounds like a good idea. However, don't hold your breath - at my current rate of climbing (ie, once per year) it will be April before I get out again -W]

Readers should be sure to click through on the link to the full Christie quote at David Appell's site. I was actually somewhat favorably impressed by the snippet that William cites (hey, here's a guy who apparently recognizes his own limitations) but the full quote makes Christie look like an utter idiot. With that kind of decisionmaking process it's no wonder NJ is so screwed up.

Also, Terry's favorite yank appears to be nonexistent.

He's not sceptical, he's just an ignorant man(apologies to Monty Python!)

On the positive side, ignorance is curable. Stupidity is not.

I expect someone like this to be the next President.

I fear for the Republic.

By Phil Hays (not verified) on 11 Nov 2010 #permalink

Alas, it seems fashionable to not know science or math... eg, "Math is hard. Let's go shopping!"


M, preferably shopping with a credit card, since as math is so hard you can't figure out when you spent more than you can pay back.

He is not the worst. The ones who are certain, such as Senator Inhofe, are.

Be very afraid.

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 11 Nov 2010 #permalink

As a lawyer recently turned into a politician, I can confirm that William is right.

[Ah, yes, I knew I had to be careful of some of my readership. Congratulations on your elevation! -W]

I think the politician of the decade who has gotten most of what he wanted is bin Laden, but, other than certain to eventually win in Iraq and Afghanistan, his star is fading in the West. To regain his swagger, I think he should terrorize the Western world by going biblical on us by melting the ice mountains on Greenland.

Could he do it?

What's happening in that photo? The climber in red appears to be starting up Black Hawk Hell Crack (S). It looks like he's being belayed by the beardy guy (who is standing much too far from the base of the cliff, if you ask me). But there's already a pair of ropes on the route, so what's going on? Is the climber in red intending to do Blizzard Chimney instead?

What's happening in that photo? The climber in red appears to be starting up Black Hawk Hell Crack (S). It looks like he's being belayed by the beardy guy (who is standing much too far from the base of the cliff, if you ask me). But there's already a pair of ropes on the route, so what's going on? Is the climber in red intending to do Blizzard Chimney instead?

[Come now, this is the popular end of Stanage. I see what you mean though: but the guy in blue (still putting his boots on) doesn't seemto have got roped up yet so maybe Beardy and pal are indeed hoping to sneak the climb in while he is doing so. He might be doing Blizzard Chimney but in that case I've caught him just at the wrong moment. This was (as I recall) at end-of-day and quickly posed with Darling Daughter so I wasn't paying much attention to what was going on -W]