The answer turns out to be "Arrhenius, of course" and the details turn out to be not desperately interesting. But if you want to know more see Which early works are cited most frequently in climate change research literature? A bibliometric approach based on Reference Publication Year Spectroscopy (no, I didn't bother find out exactly what they meant by that) by Werner Marx, Robin Haunschild, Andreas Thor and Lutz Bornmann. h/t Retraction Watch although this appears to have nothing to do with retraction.
Most of the others aren't really "climate change" at all - trade winds and the like. Darwin makes it in.
Fourier doesn't appear till you get into the detail, which surprised me.
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RPYS is the software used:
David, that paper can possibly help identify some more.
I'm still pitching Tyndall
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OT sorry.
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I can understand that one year under 1m km^2 might well be an exceptional year and that might be too soon. But why would scientists decide there has to be 5 consecutive years under 1m km^2 rather than a 5 year average to be under 1m km^2? If we had just over 1m km^2 every 4th or 5th year the date of ice free might be delayed for a considerable period.,1457.856.html
looks at some of the info on when and how introduced which perhaps seems a little sparse?
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[Belated answer at -W]
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OT. You've been rumbled.…
Ken Richard wants us to believe that there hundreds of papers from the 1960s, 70s and (interestingly) the 1980s that did warn of ongoing or imminent global cooling. So I checked one of them at random.
It said "there is no evidence that further cooling is likely in the immediate future"
Very entertaining.
[Damn. I'd better keep quiet about it then -W]
Ken Richard claims that only by including those papers that did warn of ongoing or imminent global cooling was the pro-cooling number reduced to make it look like there was a majority predicting warming.
An accusation of malice cherry-picking.
There were many papers that did engage with the ongoing cooling or changing weather patterns. Some speculated about the impact of continued cooling. But the cause of the cooling was attributed to a change back to the weather patterns of the 1900 and a slow cooling into the next ice age and/or the impact of particulate and SOx emissions from industry.
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Such an example of science describing a potential danger from industrial activity and governments responding to regulate and reduce the risk may not be an example those like Ken Richards might want to highlight.
Oh, why not?
[Nice, isn't it? And features James and Julia -W]
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