Bush Vetos HR 810

No surprises. Pandering to a clear minority and in an attempt to save the wreck that is his Presidency, Bush vetos HR 810. Five and a half years of dumb bills and excessive spending and he chooses this time to actually veto. Equally, why, oh why, do we have to put up with the crap that he spouts in defense of his actions. Why can't he just say he's doing it because either God or Rove told him.

Each of these children was still adopted while still an embryo and has been blessed with a chance to grow, to grow up in a loving family. These boys and girls are not spare parts.

Of course they are not spare parts! No one is saying they are. But there's a huge difference between a five-day old unimplanted blastocyst that is the size of a period, has no brain and no feelings and the living, breathing, humans that Bush was so eager to photo-op with.

Actually, I'm beginning to think that there is a resemblence between Bush's brain (no, not Rove) and the blastocyst. Maybe that's why he wants to preserve it.

Someone should also explain to Bush that God apparently does not like blastocysts - the vast majority go unimplanted and naturally die.

As science brings us every closer to unlocking the secrets of human biology, it also offers temptations to manipulate human life and violate human dignity ... America was founded on the principle that we are all created equal and endowed by our creator with the right to life

After all, we don't want science to "violate human dignity" or lead to unequal treatment - that's the administration's job (Abu Ghraib? Gitmo?)

I could go on, but I'm too annoyed.


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Stem cell research held the promise of helping so many people including the President.

By Bruce Thompson (not verified) on 19 Jul 2006 #permalink

Do you think it matters, or will persuade anyone who is still persuadable, that you point out that a position taken by this President is a joke?

It hasn't mattered in more than 20 years.

Ronald Reagan signed the California Therapuetic Abortion Act. Then he ran for President on the canard that human life begins at conception while excusing his position in signing the CTAA because abortion had become a lot more widespread than he expected since then.

He was, in essence, in favor of limited murder (using his own definitions and those of his most rabid followers.)

Somehow he managed to sell this.

They have never cared about reality and you can't persuade them on the basis of it.

How many homosexuals were in the adoring crowd surrounding Bush as he vetoed? How many Palestinians, Haitians, or Liberals? Hey, they all were once embryos, too. If only Bush cared as much for those already born as he does for the zygotes, blastocysts, and destined-for-the-dumpster clumps of cells that he "championed," the world would be a much better place.

The Editorial Board of the Los Angeles Times is also perplexed by President Bush's action.