All Eyes are Watching Kansas

As I type this, votes are being counted in Kansas in primaries for the State Board of Education. You can keep track of the results here. For the record, Bacon, Morris, Willard and Patzer are ID supporters.

It seems as good a time as any to repost this from June of last year, in the spirit of hoping that the good people of Kansas reject an ignoramus like Connie Morris:

When an elected state school board member such as Connie Morris (KS) can write a newsletter [pdf] that reads as if it was written by an illiterate thirteen year old, then you know there is something wrong with the system in this country. "Highlights" with emphasis as in original:

It is our goal to write the standards in such a way that clearly gives educators the right AND responsibility to present the criticims of Darwinism alongside the age-old fairytale of evolution (italics mine, not Kansas Standards'.)

To slam shut the books and declare "end of lesson - let's all go home because we know how life began," is brazenly ill-informed. I'm trusting you aren't one of those folks... Four liberal board members: GAMBLE, WAGON, WAUGH, RUPE ... ARE!

This type of evidence [lack of for primordial soup and fossil record - jml] debunking evolution as irrefutable fact is plentiful and is growing in acceptance in the Scientific community.

The Sub-Committee met in May with internationally recognized and well-published Scientists who have stood up to rigorous peer-review. You may verify this by reviewing their credentials at the KSDE website. Their testimonies were extraordinary! In short, Darwin's theory of evolution is biologically, genetically, mathematically, chemically, metaphysically and etc. "wildly" and "utterly impossible."

Morris has, apparently, been an elementary classroom teacher for nine years. She writes like a first-grader in a chatroom.

The whole debacle is sadly summed up by the following:

Who, for Pete's sake! Is opposing science? In fact, we want MORE science by CRITICALLY ANALIZING the evidence

Indeed ... the Kansas science standards are being "critically analized".

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By ChrisTheRed (not verified) on 02 Aug 2006 #permalink