Winning the "War" - ID style

Dembski predicts:

This war will not be decided by courts, legislators, or school boards, but by young people as they wake up to the fact that dogmatic Darwinists have been systematically indoctrinating and disenfranchising them. Just as the counterculture of the 60s overturned the status quo, so a new counterculture, with high school, college, and university students taking the lead, will overturn the Darwinian status quo. [Uncoomon Descent, "Why student activism is the key to winning this war", August 2, 2006]

Whatever happened to the "war" being decided in peer-reviewed science journals? Oh, I forgot, the "Darwinian fascists" control those.

[Note: I'm going to give up linking to UD and other ID sites which exclusively ban trackbacks from critical sites. I trackbacked UD for this post and was obviously rejected (at least three hours later). No point in sending traffic to the echo chamber.]

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I attempted to post a comment on UD pointing them to Valentine's book "On the Origin of Phyla" and the comment never saw the light of day. Of course, that reference would wipe out their "arguments" on the "Cambrian explosion" and transitional fossils. No, no, no! Mustn't let the faithful be exposed to real research. Uncommon Descent (into Madness) is a very sick place.

jeebus this guy is a nut, I'm really getting tired of "Darwinism" being treated as a religion

It is important to keep the pressure on. The creationists are failing to achieve their goals and so they are redefining their goals to keep their troops in line (really what else can they do).

However, science is complex. The sad fact is the fewer and fewer kids are actually taking science in high school and still fewer are actually learning anything.

Solid science standards is certainly a critical issue (e.g. Kansas), but solid science achievement standards is also important. We leave the door open to the creationist tactic if we do not educate children well. I think the battle is till in the class room - and it is a much a harder battle.

I guess wMAD figures the next step for ID is to insert itself into Saturday morning cartoons.

What, you've never read B.C.?