X-rays don't detect explosives ... and we're surprised?

From AP:

X-ray machines that screen airline passengers' shoes cannot detect explosives, according to a
Homeland Security Department report on aviation screening.

Findings from the report, obtained by The Associated Press, did not stop the Transportation Security Administration from announcing Sunday that all airline passengers must remove their shoes and run them through X-ray machines before boarding commercial aircraft. ...

In its April 2005 report, "Systems Engineering Study of Civil Aviation Security -- Phase I," the Homeland Security Department concluded that images on X-ray machines don't provide the information necessary to detect explosives.

Machines used at most airports to scan hand-held luggage, purses, briefcases and shoes have not been upgraded to detect explosives since the report was issued.

Ya see, we just have to *look* like we're taking this security thing seriously. People feel safer when they have to take their shoes off for no effective reason.


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You know, I've been reading and thinking about this false sense of security issue since just after 9/11. It seems to me that absolutely everyone from the reporters to the individual person on the street knows that the additional security measures are just theater. They've always known it. Maybe I run with above average thinkers, but I really want to know who is still supportive of the nonsense.

Ah well. It's probably a lot like the drug war. Everyone knows it's ridiculous, but can't think of a better way or conceive of a world without it. So it hangs around getting more and more annoying and more and more ineffective. That's life in the modern world for you.

The X-ray imaging they are doing does not detect explosives, but it might be possible to detect them with X-ray spectroscopy.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 15 Aug 2006 #permalink

Ah well. It's probably a lot like the drug war.

Yes. I like to say that the war on terrorism will end shortly after the war on drugs and the battle of the sexes.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 15 Aug 2006 #permalink