I've never been to New York ...

so I have no idea of the significance of this. GrrlScientist made me do it.

You Belong in Soho
Although you may not be a professional artist, you do dabble in one form of art or another.
And you indie culture of all kinds - from little botiques to art house films.

More like this

If figures you would never have been to New York. You are such a dweeb, a backcountry hick.
notiz=[Edited for intellectual clarity]

It figure that you would never have gone to New York. You are just a backcountry hick spouting hate.
notiz=[Edited for even more intellectual clarity]

Well, I'm guessing most readers here haven't been to London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Paris, Rome, Florence, Cologne, Barcelona, ... backwater places like that :)

Actually, I have been to NY ... if JFK counts!

By John Lynch (not verified) on 06 Oct 2006 #permalink

I've been to all of those except Edinburgh. But I'll let you count JFK. Barcelona alone makes up for NY. :-)
notiz=[Now with added clarity]

Well, I'm guessing most readers here haven't been to London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Paris, Rome, Florence, Cologne, Barcelona...

I've been to Ireland, Scotland and the U.K. so I'm batting about 38% here, but you can also throw in New Zealand for good measure. Though I've been to JFK, I technically haven't been to New York City yet but that's about to change. I'm going to Long Island in a few weeks to visit an old friend and we have plans for at least one trip to NYC.

So far, we've got the overall logistics worked out, but not what we're going to do once I arrive. One quiz does not an itinerary make, but maybe its determination that I "belong in Soho" will give me a starting point.

Nah, John, come visit Brooklyn!

By Chris Eliot (not verified) on 10 Oct 2006 #permalink