Tripoli Six Update

Over at Effect Measure, Revere gives an update on the Tripoli Six (see my earlier post). Some readers may have noticed that the New York Times devoted an editorial to the case today and the editors of Nature also weighed in [pdf]:

Most readers of Nature take it for granted that they can travel to work each day, free to enquire, express opinions and criticize government policy, without fear of intimidation or reprisals -- let alone imprisonment or torture. Sadly, these freedoms can only be dreamt of in many countries of the world, where academics must live with, and often suffer directly, human-rights abuses. Their plight is our business...

Tripoli may seem far away, but knowledge and academic freedom are central planks in many other struggles across the world for more open, democratic societies. Academics and universities are often hotbeds of such reform movements, and every year hundreds of academics worldwide consequently face threats, or worse. It is important that we do not forget them.

There is much more over at Effect Measure. Check it out.

Update: Janet has some practical advice on things you can do.


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I happened to spot this update that was posted by The Associated Press earlier today.

Beat you to it ... :)

Update on front page.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 06 Dec 2006 #permalink