

See here.


More like this attend ScienceDebate2008. Watch here to see why: Get the Flash Player to see this video. This text will be replaced For more info from our latest press conference, see here.
As you know, we just spent a few days at Itasca (see this for the meaning of the word "Itasca") where we saw some interesting wildlife. I thought I 'd share a few photos of the trip. We were at Itasca because Amanda volunteered to help out with the orientation for new biology grad students, by…
What do you see when you are in a completely dark room with no lights? That is a great question to ask. It can bring out some interesting ideas. Anyway, here is an easy demo to show the color black. The basic idea is to build a box that has a small opening. Here is what it looks like from the…
Kevin Baker observes that Lott has removed Baker from his blogroll, presumably because Baker has described Lott as the pro-gun version of Michael Bellesiles. This fits in with Lott's practice of not linking to criticism, which suggests that he thinks his position is a weak one. Rather…