So here's what I'm thinking ...

How come we tax-payers have to pay for the President to fly around and stump for Republican candidates (and get their name wrong)? After all, the cost of security and Air Force One (five gallons of fuel a mile) are fairly substantial.

I'm conflicted - I want to imagine that Bush has real work to do, yet at the same time am happy that they are keeping him away from grown-up activities.


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Unfortunately, Bush politicking on our tax dollar is what I have come to expect from this administration. I think the DNC (Democratic National Committee)should actually fund the Bush visits, as he is the most effective politician the Democrats have. Bizzaro World for sure.

First, every recent president has done this. That said, I've always wondered if it is tax dollars or money from campaign funds that pays for travel. If it is tax dollars, that is something we should be writing (or calling) to congressmen about.

> every recent president has done this.

I realize that and don't think a sitting president should be stumping at all (irrespective of who is paying) ... after all, we're paying him to lead and be the deciderer. Given how little this one spends in Washington anyway, what with his holidays at the ranch, we're not getting our moneys worth :)

By John Lynch (not verified) on 27 Oct 2006 #permalink

I completely agree. Just thought it was worth pointing out that it is not just Republicans. It is worth investigating to see what budget that money comes from.