Ask a ScienceBlogger

I haven't done one of these in a while ... this week's AaSb asks "Who would you nominate for Scientist Laureate, if such a position existed?"

The answer that immediately sprang to mind was Ed Wilson (but then I noticed Razib mentioned him). So treat this as a second vote for Wilson. Frankly, after him there is no one with similar scientific acumen and communication skills.

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Our Lords and Masters ask Who would you nominate for Scientist Laureate, if such a position existed? According to the dictionary, a "laureate" is "someone honored for great achievements; figuratively someone crowned with a laurel wreath". We can read this more than one way - you might read it as "…

Read where fossiles of germs were found in meterites in antartic of living beings as we know them ,were not present on earth before ,they were found geogoligicy on earth?

By charles D. Cox (not verified) on 05 Dec 2006 #permalink