Thirteen years on

Way back in 1994, the Internet was a much much smaller place. Only three years old, the World Wide Web really hadn't expanded much beyond academia. I have distinct memories of using NCSA Mosaic in 1993 and there wasn't much to see. Trust me. (Hell, I remember gopher, WAIS, Archie & Veronica ...)

In March 1994 (two months after I arrived in the US), the following were the Top 10 linked sites among the 5738 that were available. How different this is from what todays Top 10 list would look like.

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Ah, yes, the Spring of '94. I was using this strange little unix-like OS to do my homework on my 386SX-16. It had an SML/NJ compiler and latex and could run X with olvwm that looked like Solaris! Granted, at 16Mhz, I could only run two or so X programs at a time, but I had a real OS on my desktop!

Nice to see that there are others around still who remember the early 90's with fondness when it comes to what the Internet was.

I recall the first web site that I went to with Moasic; and I was like "WOW! There is a graphical version of the web?!"

= :)K