If you're blue ...

Afarensis has previously mentioned the recent death of Peter Boyle.

And now, my fellow scientists and neurosurgeon...I must ask you to ...suspend belief. For up until now, you have seen the Creature perform the simple mechanics of motor activity. That this Creature was an inanimate blob, which I endowed with the secret of life -- yes!...in all honesty -- that showed some measure of skill on my part. But for what you are about to see next...we must enter -- quietly -- into the realm of genius. I say this modestly, only because I am, myself, as in awe of the gifts I possess as if I were observing them in some other person. I think of them, only, as a loan. Grateful, of course...that my credit is good. Thus, with the accumulated knowledge of Chemistry, Electricity, Neuro- surgery...and art...I now present what was once an inarticulate mass of lifeless tissues. Ladies and gentlemen... Mesdames et Messieurs... Damen und Herren...The Creature!


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Damn all equipment malfunctions anyway!

It's just a "proof of concept" presentationb anyway...

By afarensis (not verified) on 15 Dec 2006 #permalink

My parents took me to see Young Frankenstein when I was four nurturing my movie geekness and my sense of humor. Back then, I knew the horses' reaction to the name Blücher was funny and the scene above was funny but I had no idea why Madeline Kahn kept singing at the top of her lungs. Many years later, Mom got me the DVD for Christmas and I appreciate the movie much more these days since I'm now "old enough" to get all the jokes.