Everyone else is doing it, so why cant we?

Janet notes that it is National Delurking Week 2007. So, if you read this blog but have never commented, give a shout out and let us know who you are and where you're from. This is particularly true for those of you who read via RSS (which probably could stand for Real Silent Syndication).

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Over the past year, CogDaily has had about 400,000 unique visits. During that same time, we've received 3,075 comments. Wow! We're humbled by those numbers. Yet simple division reveals that fewer than 1 in 100 visits actually results in a comment. There must be hundreds -- possibly thousands -- of…
Liz reminds us that Paper Napkin has declared the second week of January to be National Delurking Week. What does this mean? It means that if you are a reader of a blog but have not commented on that blog, you should "delurk" by leaving a comment to indicate that you're out there. Good person…
Janet D. Stemwedel: Hey, can we talk about pseudonymous blogging? Dr. Free-Ride: Haven't you already written a bunch of posts about that? Janet D. Stemwedel: Yeah, but the blogosphere seems to be discussing it again. Dr. Free-Ride: You know I only work on Fridays, right? Janet D. Stemwedel: Get…
Last week, the number of subscribers to this blog's RSS feed passed the 2,000 mark, after teetering just below that number for a couple of months. It's very gratifying to know that so many people enjoy my writing, and although this increase in subscriptions is tiny compared to the total number of…

I've commented once before, I think - that probably still makes me a lurker, though.
Love the blog - it's good to hear from someone who knows their stuff. It helps us poor high school teachers stay current!
My dad got his master's degree at ASU - there's a picture of me as a little kid wearing a "Go Sun Devils" shirt. I live in WI, though.

Not sure if I've commented here before, but certainly not recently. I read almost everything you post.

I'm a retired medical librarian in upstate NY.

I especially enjoy your occasional pieces on the history of science.

I have ... 4 .... yes, 4 ... as in less than 6 and more than 5.

John, I'll agree with you that 4 is less than 6, but I'm going to have to disagree about it being more than 5.

I'm Rob from Abbotsford, Britsh Columbia. I have posted once or twice but mostly just read. I enjoy the blog and like chezjake particularly enjoy your history pieces.

By CanuckRob (not verified) on 11 Jan 2007 #permalink

I'm Rick, undergrad CSE student at ASU. Never had you for any classes (they don't let us computer science kids out much), but I enjoy your blog nonetheless.

I sort of cheated, since every comment in my de-lurking post also got a response by me (except the last two, which I haven't written yet), so technically I only have 29.

You know, I can't remember if I've commented here or not. Given my tendency to be mouthy, mayhaps I have--but then again, mayhaps I haven't.

I've been reading for a long time from Dallas, TX. Yes, I use RSS . . . and I'm ashamed.

Here I am from the central coast of Oregon, I have been trying to hit all of you at science blogs but I am sure I have missed some. I am not posting on blogs where I have commented before, I hope.

By Eric Juve (not verified) on 11 Jan 2007 #permalink

De-lurking... from Scottsdale, AZ.

By Thomas Reynolds (not verified) on 11 Jan 2007 #permalink

I'm an anthropologist from NYC who likes to keep up with things. I enjoy your blog -- thanks!

Not a lurker in sciblogs overall, but one on this particular blog.

Two for the price of one! This is Elf Eye in her manifestation as defender of threatened punctuation marks.

By Apostrophe Avenger (not verified) on 11 Jan 2007 #permalink

Sorry, I didn't realize it really mattered who gets how many ... De-lurking here from San Francisco.

Oh sure. I don't think I've commented to this blog although I have to other SciBlogs. So I'll just say...


Even if I don't comment over at PZ's it will not help much here.
Martin from Germany

Long time lurker, first time commenter. It appears that shameless begging works wonders, certainly many more than 4, or even 5 comments now. Nice to see someone else from the wasteland of York U in Toronto.

By Threefjord (not verified) on 11 Jan 2007 #permalink

Hi John,

I lurk b/c I find that about 50% of your material is worthwhile, and that perhaps 5% is exceptionally worthwhile, (and it isnt about sports). Keep it up.

By david leaf (not verified) on 11 Jan 2007 #permalink

Actually, two of the 16 are me responding to comments...

By afarensis, FCD (not verified) on 11 Jan 2007 #permalink

I read this blog (plus many more science blogs, at Scienceblogs.com and elsewhere) but is the first time I dare to comment.

I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina*. I'm not a scientist. I do read all this interesting stuff just because I like it.

(One of the reasons of my muteness is that I'm not fluent in English!).

(*). Strange, huh?

De-lurking in Madison, WI. I have more time to scan and read than to write a cogent comment.

Hey John. Seems to have worked for you. I'm Phil. I am a Taoist/atheist, actor and animator (learning to animate anyway). I have enjoyed reading, and will continue to read your blogs (several others as well).

I don't get into the discussions I used to because I got tired talking to people who refuse to think, but sometimes I do get the chance to chat with someone who also enjoys using his/her brain.

I live and work in the L.A./Hollywood area. I've been reading your blogs for quite a while now, by the way.

By Phil Moon (not verified) on 11 Jan 2007 #permalink

I didn't de-lurk comment earlier, because I run off at the keyboard quite a bit, but since you asked for it, I live and work in the Chicago area. As an Anthropology major I worked on Middle Woodland sites, and dug up bones, but spent most of my adult life in the business world, and now have time to read SB in my office. One More Dig would be nice. Rift Valley preferably.

Go Bears!

Hi from Susan in Victoria, B.C. I've commented once but lurk often. Reading is a nice brief distraction and often gives me something new to think about, commenting intelligently requires more time and effort than I usually have available.

Lurker here, commenter elsewhere--I especially appreciate the currently reading resource--look for the most part as good additions to my bookshelf (well maybe not "God's War", I have worked my way through Runciman).


Not a single self identified ID fan. Not a single creationist introduction.

It was sad, so sad, it was sad when that great ship went down, hit the bottom, there fundies and hacks, good ole Sal lost his tack, it was sad when that great ship went down.

Oh they built another ship they called, "ID"
They were sure this time that the water would never leak thorough. So they launched it with a cheer, and it sank right off the pier. It was sad when the great ship went down.

By Bruce Thompson (not verified) on 12 Jan 2007 #permalink

I posted once before. I'm an ASU honors college student. Alas, I couldn't take your class on Darwin--didn't have room in my schedule. Curse the inflexible engineering curriculum.

just stumbled by... Felt sorry for you, so I decided to drop a post.

You're welcome.

(err, ahh, ... nice color scheme)

I teach biology at Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, IA. PhD in plant pathology. I've been reading your blog for about a year now (found it via Pharyngula).

Hi, Liam from London here! When I'm not keeping computer networks running, I'm an occasional bit-player in the fight of reason against superstition; (somehow I just can't resist commenting on right-wing/religious blogs when they get themselves wound up about this or that) so I drop by here regularly for a bit of refreshing logic and scientific thought. Keep up the good work!

Great blog! Found you only today. Came across this while reading past entries. Will return often. Added you to my blog list. Now delurked!