Monday Mammal


Stoat, Mustela erminea



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Stoat, Mustela erminea L. (click for big version)
Stoat Categories: Planet Earth, Policy & Politics William Connolley lives in Coton, UK, and works at the British Antarctic Survey as a climate modeller. In a former life he was a mathematician at SEH. He specializes in climate change in general and Antarctica in particular. He describes himself…
Ever found yourself wondering (between gags) as you read some elaborate peice of climate change denialist tripe (debunking here)"Do they really believe all that c**p??" Well, via Stoat, we can see that chances are not bad that they do not. For thourough coverage of Lord Monckton be sure to browse…
Stoat, always first with the news. Too busy with real work and the pub, sorry. Yes, its the RP teacup. Life is too short to wade through the full skewed mess. Read John Fleck for the summary and Coby Beck for pages more detail. Or better still, don't. Part 2 appears to be a total pile of toss - I…