Strike that whole "In God We Trust" thing


Apparently, an unknown number of new George Washington dollar coins were mistakenly struck without "In God We Trust." Seems like a good development.

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would have been nicer if they'd "accidentally" written the word Liberty back on it instead.

i'm with Ed on the coins - the statue is not necessarily as strong a symbol for Liberty as the word itself, especially as the open borders that it represented for so many of our ancestors is now treated by many in power as an anachronism and a root cause of all our problems.

By Joe Shelby (not verified) on 07 Mar 2007 #permalink

E-bay prices are proving that US coins without "In God We Trust" are worth more than those that are theistically stamped. It would be nice to say that this is an indication of popular preference.

I'm all for removing it because I don't want the government corrupting the church. But maybe they could leave the "We Trust" part, or perhaps "In the Universe We Trust." Well, I suppose it would be more honest to say "In money we trust" or perhaps "Might Makes Right".