Today in Science

March 13th

1720 - Birth of Charles Bonnet, Swiss naturalist and writer

1733 - Birth of Joseph Priestley, English scientist and minister

1781 - William Herschel discovers Uranus.

1781 - Charles Messier publishes final catalog of Messier objects.

1781 - Carl Wilhelm Scheele discovers tungsten.

1784 - Birth of Jean Moufot, French philosopher and mathematician

1855 - Birth of Percival Lowell, American astronomer

1899 - Birth of John Hasbrouck van Vleck, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate

1925 - The Butler Act in Tennessee prohibits the teaching of evolution. This would lead to the Scopes Trial in the same year.

1945 - Birth of Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko, Ukrainian-Russian mathematician

1969 - Apollo 9 returns safely to Earth after testing the Lunar Module.

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