An update ... because you deserve to know were I've been

Another semester is drawing to a close. Readers will notice that I've been more-or-less AWOL for the past few months - a combination of deadlines (hit and missed) and teaching have kept me busy beyond belief. The good news is that I expect things to ease off starting sometime next week and to certainly be a lot clearer by mid-May (when I return from a week-long workshop on the utility of the history of science at the MBL in Woods

Equally as good news is that three of my undergraduates successfully defended their honors theses. Congratulations go to Leslie, Matt & Ashley for a job well done!

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I did this last year, and apparently it is to be another year-end tradition. Here are the first sentences to each month's first post. January - September will take you to the old site, but don't forget to come back here eventually. January: While many people went on holiday over the past two weeks…
I've just come out of a general positive annual review meeting with my departmental chair and it seems like an appropriate time to take stock of the year and think about where I am heading. At the end of my first academic year as a faculty member, I'm way ahead of where I was nine months ago, but I…
I've been more that a little quiet the past ten days. It's nearing the end of the semester here at ASU (only 3 weeks to go), and I have been furiously working with my honors thesis students to get their manuscripts ready for defense. But they are out the door now and will be defended next week. Two…
Money is on my mind a lot this semester. First, there's the grant writing marathon. And then there's the personal budgetary shortfall. Without a second income, we run a several hundred dollar per month shortfall. I've trimmed the fat from the budget and we're eating through the small amount of…

Congratulations all around, Prof Lynch. Seeing through three honors students in one semester is a great accomplishment for the mentor as well. And I'd love to be able to take your workshop - you continue to amaze with your productivity.

I've also had my nose to the proverbial grindstone lately. Last week, I stumbled upon a little ditty on YouTube called "Creation Science 101" and it gave me quite a chuckle when I really needed one and I just want to pass it on. Enjoy.

Ah, that's good to know! More poetry, please, when you have time. And enjoy Woods Hole, it's a wonderful place.