Today in Science (0728)


1867 - Charles Dillon Perrine, American-born astronomer

1902 - Karl Popper, Austrian-born philosopher

1904 - Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, Russian physicist, Nobel laureate

1915 - Charles Townes, American physicist, Nobel laureate

1925 - Baruch S. Blumberg, American scientist, Nobel laureate


1869 - Jan Evangelista PurkynÄ, Czech anatomist

1930 - Allvar Gullstrand, Swedish ophthalmologist, Nobel laureate

1968 - Otto Hahn, German chemist, Nobel laureate

2000 - Abraham Pais, Dutch-born American physicist, science historian, and biographer of Albert Einstein.

2002 - Archer John Porter Martin, English chemist, Nobel laureate

2004 - Francis Crick, English molecular biologist, Nobel laureate

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