Ballmer Peak


The Ballmer Peak holds for all intellectual endeavors, not just programming.


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It certainly used to apply to playing pool. I was a killer between two and three glasses, but no other time. My peak was a little lower than Ballmer's, but then I did the 60s and 70s, so my liver was shot early.

I took several emergency calls over the years when I had been indulging and even after 2 drinks found my programming/debugging ability declined noticeably. Would have been wonderful to experience Ballmer effect in those situations.

Once, while drunk, someone threw a melon ball at me and I actually hit it with the handle of a golf club. My motor skills definitely saw an improvement with a little vodka in me.

i've noticed an amazing relation between moderate alcohol use (2-3 drinks) and ability to recall information during research or studying... I noticed the effect while reading about a topic that i had little previous experience with, and found i could recall most of what i read weeks or months after ...I've came across a few studies that backed this up...anyone else have any experience with this?