Thirty-one smiling faces in Chicago, thanks to you

Good news here. We’ve managed to fully fund our first proposal - thirty first graders in a magnet school in Chicago (one with 95% high poverty) will be benefiting from your generosity so far. On behalf of their teacher, I thank you.

Of course, we’re not done yet. As an incentive, consider these extracts from letters I received from teachers last year whose students benefited from our efforts:

I cannot thank you enough for funding this project for my students! I told them that our new aquarium is on its way, and they can scarcely contain their excitement. Your generosity will enhance their learning and growth throughout the entire year. Thank you for giving my children this opportunity.

Today is the first day of school and I have 22 bright faces. They are eager to learn and now I have a wonderful unit to present to them. In the spring, the students will experience the changes in the world around them as the trees come to life with new foliage and flowers bloom. We will watch with anticipation the metamorphosis of our eggs to butterflies ... Thank you for this wonderful opportunity for my first grade students.

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