Today in Science (1107)


1996 - NASA launches the Mars Global Surveyor.


1818 - Emil du Bois-Reymond, German physician

1867 - Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Polish-born chemist, physicist and Nobel Prize laureate (twice)

1878 - Lise Meitner, Austrian/American chemist, physicist and Nobel Prize laureate

1888 - C. V. Raman, Indian physicist and Nobel Prize laureate

1903 - Konrad Lorenz, Austrian zoologist and Nobel Prize laureate

1915 - Philip Morrison, American scientist

1929 - Eric R. Kandel, Austrian-born neuroscientist and Nobel Prize laureate


1599 - Gasparo Tagliacozzi, Italian surgeon

1913 - Alfred Russel Wallace, British naturalist and co-discoverer of natural selection

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