Saturday Spin

This made me laugh out loud.


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I knew I'd love Carl's Microcosm for the delicious irony of using a mere "germ" to illustrate the mysteries of life itself. Well, I'm also partial to bacteria and their multicellular abilities, which Carl describes wonderfully. . First, as the other science writer on the panel, I'd like to express…
I am having lunch in an eatery, a cafeteria sort of place, where you get your food, pay at the cash register, and sit down somewhere. At one table is a woman reading. At another table there is a young man eating a muffin. At another table is a pair of women having a quiet conversation. At…
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Gerbil roulette would be a nice variant and have the advantage of gambling.

By Bruce Thompson (not verified) on 08 Dec 2007 #permalink