Joshua Lederberg (1925 - 2008)

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The US bioterrorism program has claimed another victim. Not from a lab accident. Not from an attack. But from a ridiculous and mindless application of regulations meant to protect us from malefactors but which have instead punished scientists who may (or may not) have made missteps in this new…
More evidence the Research Triangle in North Carolina is where the sciblings are... Right now, Chris is on his way across the country to meet me in the NC for this weekend's Science Blogging Conference. Expect to read coverage throughout the blogosphere as we have over 200 bloggers, scientists,…
Monday evening at the annual meeting of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Chris Mooney and I gave our first DC-area Speaking Science 2.0 presentation. We have details as pictures over at our new Speaking Science Web site. Inspired by Al Gore, Chris and I have also bought emission…
Here are some weekend links for you. First, lotsa science: Here's a post of mine about group selection. Also, I'm mentioned in an article about the rapid diagnosis of influenza. If you're sick, you should wash your hands. Of course, you could do us all a favor and not show up to work sick...…