After all, I can't stay in San Diego forever.

"Once, for a class called Creative Nonfiction, I swam down to Scammon’s Lagoon during winter mating season and transcribed the simultaneous chatter of every gray whale, all in one continuous stream of unpunctuated prose: "Oh my God oh my click-click-click oh my (inaudibly low drone) God I love you so much I just want to (squeak) stare into your (hum, drone) big beautiful eyes forever click-click-click-click ..." What happened to that writer?"


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Priceless, John. Thanks for pointing me to that - would make a great story for The Friday Fermentable. (readers, go look at the whole thing at McSweeney's by Jonathan J. Levin (see John's source link above).

Oh yeah, I like the new pic - very fitting for an award-winning prof.

Yeah, it's my glamor shot :)

By John Lynch (not verified) on 28 Mar 2008 #permalink