So I’m all a-flutter with anticipation for the opening of Expelled - two days to go to the big day on which Darwinism will finally fall. To prepare, I checked Yahoo Movies for the screening times in my area. What’s this? Only two cinemas are brave enough to show it? The AMC Mesa Grand and the AMC Arizona Center. Strange. I wonder why Harkins (the big-dog in Arizona theaters and host for the infamous Tempe screening) has not picked up such a cultural tsunami? And look at this! Both AMC theaters have only one screening scheduled for Friday (a.k.a The Big Day). At 10:30am. Wow, that’s sure to draw the crowds. Still, there’s always Saturday and Sunday to make this the biggest documentary opening EVAR!
Update: It looks like Harkins Arizona Mills is scheduled to show the movie. And there are now multiple screenings. Three theaters - ten shy of the 13 that they are claiming it seems.
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Keep in mind that the PR flack at the Tempe showing said that they would consider the movie successful if it took in $12-15 million on the first weekend. Let's see how fast (and how soon) they start revising down that number. My guess is that if it makes $5 million they will be crowing about what a blockbuster it is.
In Christiansburg, VA, the Regal cinema (14 auditoriums) offers 4 showtimes. That's a fairly modest schedule. (On that day, Forgetting Sarah Marshall will be shown 8 times.) Shows that are not expected to be blockbusters or ones that have already been in the theater for several weeks are the ones allotted three or four time slots.
Maybe the 10:30 am time slot was chosen to accommodate those field trips that the producers were trying to push. paper won't be published before Friday! All that work down the drain!
Only one theater in the Boston area is showing it - I hope it generates as little buzz as the "preview" in March.
Here in Columbus, Ohio, it appears to be showing on exactly ONE screen - and that's in the "Easton 30 with IMAX" theater.
Seriously, if they aren't bothering to put it on more than one screen . . . .
Are they lying again?
According to that page it's playing at 13 theaters in the valley, including Arizona Mills. I haven't checked any local listings obviously as I don't plan on watching it again. Though, I did get a wonderful email from marketing genius Paul Lauer at Motive about the opening and how evil Darwinists and liberals are enraged and trying to get the opening shut down. I'd be happy to forward it to anyone who wants a good laugh.
@ Brad
I got that e-mail as well. I thought it was ... ironic.
Weird. Now Yahoo is showing (for Friday)
Harkins Arizona Mills Luxury 24
(11:05am), (1:20), (4:05), 6:30, 9:05, 11:40
AMC Mesa Grand 24
(10:00am), 12:30, 3:00, 5:45, 8:15, 10:50
AMC Arizona Center 24
1:05, 3:25, 5:45, 8:05, 10:30
I received the email too. Brad, I guess they thought their (failed) attempt to keep us out of the movie had somehow whetted our appetites to see it! These marketing people are complete bumbling idiots. Excuse me-- IDiots.
Hey TheOtherOne,
I'm in Columbus, too, and while checking the listings for a different movie I noticed that it'll be at the Lennox, too, and with four showtimes, too boot.
I got one too, addressed to "Dear Friend Of Expelled" begging me to help them.
I like their begging for help - it's about the only honest thing about this movie. I'd like to help them by putting @ 1,000 tickets on Dr. Dr. Dembski's American Express Card, but the Nixplanatory Filter's still broken, so I won't be able to get his credit card number.
However, since they are going to be sooo successful, and totally shut down the "Darwinian Paradigm" as of Sat, April 19, I suggest that we hold a tearful vigil as we while away the Final Hours of Big Science.
Or we could all celebrate by continuing the 2,000 year-old tradition of expelling as many Brave ID Scientists as we can in the short time we have left. Darwin perfecting that time machine has always amazed me, but it did allow him to go back in time and drive the nails through the pudgy little hands of Baby Jesus and leading directly to Hitler and Big science.
As a "Friend Of Expelled", I feel I must do something... but what?
The movie now has a rating on 14% (1 positive; 6 negative).
I'm sticking by my prediction of an opening weekend less than $2 million. I suspect it will not do as well as the most recent Christian "Veggie Tales" movie, which had about a $4M opening weekend on over 1,000 screens.
Yahoo's now up to eight theaters in the Phoenix area: AMCs Ahwatukee, Mesa Grand, Arizona Center, and Westgate; Harkins Chandler Fashion Center, Arizona Mills, San Tan Village, and Superstition Springs.
The Expelled theater locator also lists Gilbert Stadium in Gilbert, Palm Valley in Litchfield Park, Gateway in Mesa, Arrowhead Fountains and Park West in Peoria, Desert Ridge, Norterra, and North Valley in Phoenix, Frontier Village in Prescott, and El Con and Foothills in Tucson for a total of 19 Arizona theaters.
Hummmmm. A little weird that they are trickling in 48 hours before the launch. Almost looks like cinemas weren't willing to make a commitment until the last moment.
I count 14 theaters in the Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Tempe, Peoria, Gilbert, Chandler, and Glendale. Each and every one of these theaters has multiple showings. No one living in the Valley will have any trouble finding "Expelled." I used which uses "15 miles of 85016" as its default and looked at Friday, April 18 which is opening day for that piece of creationist trash.
"Hummmmm. A little weird that they are trickling in 48 hours before the launch. Almost looks like cinemas weren't willing to make a commitment until the last moment."
Or rather they are slow in getting their scheduling information uploaded. Heck there is a theater local to me that sometimes fails to get any of the movies it is showing listed via the various online movie listings.
#10, aha - so now they've got 2 screens . . . . In this town? Granted, everyone will be worshipping at the Church of the Buckeyes this weekend anyway, but still - 2 screens is pathetic.
OK, I was wrong (see comment #1). The movie only made $3.5 million on the opening weekend AND they are crowing about what a great success it is. They are spinning this like crazy over at Uncommon Descent. It's hilarious!
I read a review somewhere that said it was the only movie this weekend that made the most money Friday, less on Saturday, and even less on Sunday . . . .