Reaping what you sow

Juan Cole on the world Bush made:

The problem with international law for a superpower is that it is a constraint on overweening ambition. Its virtue is that it constrains the aggressive ambitions of others. Bush gutted it because he thought the United States would not need it anytime soon. But Russia is now demonstrating that the Bush doctrine can just as easily be the Putin doctrine. And that leaves America less secure in a world of vigilante powers that spout rhetoric about high ideals to justify their unchecked military interventions. It is the world that Bush has helped build.


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"Russia is now demonstrating that the Bush doctrine"

Shaking one's head, this is blame Bush for everything "doctrine". What Putin is displaying in Georgia wasn't Bush's doctrine but the old Soviet Union after World War II, up until 1989, when the Berlin wall came down under as some like to call; "the Reagan doctrine." Russia isn't exactly a "superpower" anymore at least not economically. In comparison to a country like Georgia it would be a "superpower" but not to the rest of the world. Communism politics in Russia is not dead, it just getting a little more louder. Many countries besides the US like to spread their influence on other countries this includes 2nd and 3rd world countries as well not just "superpowers."