Ian Musgrave piles on Luskin

From here:

Casey also chides Miller for not doing any knock-out experiments on blood clotting systems. This is heavily ironic as no ID proponent, not even Behe, has done any experiments on the blood clotting system. As I point out in my post Behe vs Lampreys, it's the evolutionary biologists that have been doing all the heavy lifting in regard to understanding the clotting system. In fact I issued a challenge to the ID proponents, the Amphioxus genome had just been published at http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Brafl1/Brafl1.home.html. Amphioxus is a primitive chordate, more primitive than lampreys, that clot their haemolymph. I challenged the ID proponents to predict which coagulation factors are present in Amphioxus, search the Amphioxus genome database and report on whether the genes found match their predictions.

Since then, silence. I can tell you one thing for sure. The Amphioxus has no gene for fibrinogen, the final step in the modern clotting cascade, yet it still clots its haemolymph. So the very basis of the "Irreducible Core" that Casey goes on about is absent in these animals, and one of Behe's iconic pathways is exposed as reducible.

Of course, we expect none of this to have any effect at all on Luskin and the DI. They will still spout the same-old-same-old in an effort to animate the undead corpse that is intelligent design. Luskin is, after all, a lawyer.

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