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We got one in the comments, a pompous ass named Darin Reisler who popped in to announce of evolution that "When the evidence is looked at beyond the surface level- it fails," and to back this up he offered a string of quotes from "prominent evolutionists". Man, Darin is a contemptible liar, and…
Everyone knows that Darwin was a biologist, and in many ways he was the first prominent modern biologist. Though Darwin scholars know this, many people do not realize that he was also a geologist. Really, he was mainly a geologist on the day he stepped foot on The Beagle for his famous five year…
We know that Darwin was a biologist, and in many ways he was the first prominent modern biologist. But many people do not realize that he was also a geologist. Really, he was mainly a geologist on the day he stepped foot on The Beagle for his famous five year tour. This is especially true if we…
You really need to go to a PLoS ONE paper and take a look - we have done some nifty home remodeling ;-) What is really new and important is that there are all sorts of article-level metrics on each paper. The same goes for all the other TOPAZ-based PLoS journals (i.e., all but PLoS Biology - you…