Another ID Anniversary

Earlier this month we celebrated Paul Nelson Day. Today is yet another ID-related (and as it happens, also Paul Nelson related) anniversary. Four years ago, I posted a piece (reprinted a year and a half later here) on Nelson's forthcoming monograph on common descent. By now, it has been "forthcoming" for eleven years. At the time of my original post, Nelson claimed that he was "carefully doing a good job with a rich and difficult topic" but also noted that he and Dembski "have been working on a shorter article, with some of the monograph's main points, which we plan to submit to the best peer-reviewed biology journal we can find."

Guess what?


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For some years now, we have been hearing about Paul Nelson's forthcoming monograph On Common Descent, which one assumes will stem from his now [eight] year old PhD in philosophy Common Descent, Generative Entrenchment, and the Epistemology in Evolutionary Inference. As the DI/CSC website notes, "[h…
In April 2005, I posted a piece (reproduced below the cut) that discussed Evolutionary Monographs as the putative outlet for Paul Nelson's 1998 Ph.D. thesis, a thesis that argues against common descent. In comments over at the Panda's Thumb, Nelson noted that: Bill Dembski and I have been working…
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LOL. Oh the hilarity! They're editing, and re-editing, and re-editing...

It's so late because they're very carefully and methodically going through it and replacing "creationists" with "cdesign proponentsists".

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