Alvin Drew
Guest Blog by Festival X-STEM Speaker Dr. Jeffrey Bennett
Originally Posted on The Huffington Post May 9, 2014
What you cannot imagine, you cannot do.
--Astronaut Alvin Drew (STS-118, STS-133)
How many people are living in space right now? I've found that since the end of the Space Shuttle program, most Americans think the answer is zero, but it's not. There are currently six people living aboard the International Space Station, including two Americans (Steve Swanson and Rick Mastracchio), one Japanese citizen (Koichi Wakata), and three Russian cosmonauts. All the astronauts currently get…
African American scientists and engineers have made extraordinary contributions to STEM and high-tech innovation, and you'll meet some of these key pioneers at the Festival Expo's X-STEM Extreme STEM Symposium hosted by Northrop Grumman Foundation and MedImmune on Thursday, April 24 in Washington!
In honor of National African American History Month, the Festival would like to acknowledge these trailblazers and their achievements as they prepare to present at this extraordinary event.
The all-day symposium will bring students, teachers and others up close with these and other leading STEM…