
Sometimes, I publish things on this website that are not entirely correct (and when I do, I'll own up to it). Sometimes other people do on theirs. There are bad ways and good ways to argue these points, ranging from name-calling to explicitly explaining where the flaws are in one's arguments, and what the corrections are. And I had no idea how I was going to articulate this. But then Lucas pointed this chart out to me, and it does a better job of explaining it than I ever could. You know who could explain this? Captain Picard. Imagine you got to be a Starfleet officer. Here's what he has to…
Abe: I got a riddle for you, Sol. What's green, hangs on the wall, and whistles? Sol: I give up. Abe: A herring. Sol: But a herring isn't green. Abe: So you can paint it green. Sol: But a herring doesn't hang on the wall. Abe: Put a nail through it, it hands on the wall. Sol: But a herring doesn't whistle! Abe: So? It doesn't whistle. Borrowed from Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar...: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes Everyone knew it was coming; Ben Stein goes on Bill O'Reilly's show and says that intelligent design has a religious agenda and is concerned with showing…