Weekend Diversion: The Greatest Chatroulette of All Time (Synopsis)

“I created this project for fun. Initially, I had no business goals with it. I created this project recently. I was and still am a teenager myself, that is why I had a certain feeling of what other teenagers would want to see on the Internet. I myself enjoyed talking to friends with Skype using a microphone and webcam. But we got tired of talking to each other eventually. So I decided to create a little site for me and my friends where we could connect randomly with other people.” -Andrey Ternovskiy, founder of Chatroulette

You know there's nothing quite like improvising, and there's perhaps no way to show off one's improvisational talents better than in song. Have a listen to piano-improv specialist Ben Folds sing his different-every-time live hit,

Rock This Bitch,

while I share with you the story of a different type of impromptu interaction: Chatroulette.

Image credit: screenshot from Chatroulette. Image credit: screenshot from Chatroulette.

Perhaps a site best known for the rampant (unwanted) nudity of its early days, along with many pranks and amusing interactions, Chatroulette has also be a legitimate way for young people to randomly connect with one another.

The pranks are far more interesting, of course.

Image credit: screenshot from Chatroulette. Image credit: screenshot from Chatroulette.

But they're not the most interesting thing to come out of Chatroulette at all. What is? Come find out and enjoy!

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