beauty secret

For some time now ExxonMobil Corporation has been under scrutiny for having a) known about climate change, yet b) helped cause climate change, while c) investing corporate resources into getting people and the government to not take climate change seriously. Worst case allegation: ExxonMobile has taken material steps, knowingly and intentionally, that will cause the end of civilization as we know it. That, of course, is not illegal. But along the way, perhaps some laws have been broken, and some in the legal biz have been looking into this. Now, suddenly, we hear from the Wall Street Journal…
My nephew, LeRoy Bell, is a finalist on the X-Factor talent show. He's quite a good singer, a talented musician, and an excellent song writer. In addition to this, a lot of people have remarked about how such an old codger like LeRoy can look so young. Here, we have LeRoy's beauty tips. Stop eating beef or pork after you turn 25! Exercise as much as possible, no less than 3 times a week! Push away from the table every now and then; concentrate on quality food not quantity! Drink plenty of water also drink a glass of red wine with dinner, but no more! Don't feel you have to look, act,…