Blog administration
But never fear! Click HERE to come to our new home:
Please update your bookmarks and see this farewell post about our departure from the ScienceBlogs community after four years.
The 234-ton load of Holy Cross Church is transported across the North Carolina Central University campus to make room for their new nursing building. The former primary place of worship for Durham's Black Catholics was relocated to a site near the home of founder, Dr. James E. Shepard, and will serve as a community center. This photo is from a gallery shot on April 23, 2010, by Harry Lynch…
Just the other day, I wrote about how DrugMonkey and I have experienced unprecedented and sustained blog traffic for posts we wrote in February on K2 Spice, one of a couple of marijuana-like "incense" products still sold legally in the United States.
Every morning, I dial up my SiteMeter blog statistics and take a look at what posts readers first land upon when coming to visit the humble world headquarters of Terra Sigillata.
Last week, 2,700 to 2,800 of the 4,000 most recent hits were landing on our February K2 Spice post. (You will also note below the sad state of my readership in that…
Before my colleague DrugMonkey gives me more grief about not yet having a CafePress shop (theirs here) to sell and give away paraphernalia related to this blog, I have a question for you, the always erudite and good-looking reader of this humble blog.
You see, I don't know exactly what text to put on T-shirts, coffee mugs, and thongs, that properly reflect the name recognition - dare I say, "brand" - of this blog. When I first started the blog on 15 December 2005, I thought that Terra Sigillata was a great name and a great metaphor for the natural product medicines I try to write about…
I promise this will be the last to say about my vasectomy and the remarkable blogospheric response to my account. But I had to share with readers this observation, something that may only be of interest to other bloggers who like to examine their reader statistics. Here is the distribution by country of my last 4,000 site hits:
I've never had this concentration of non-North American hits since my early days of blogging when Terra Sigillata was the clue for a UK Telegraph crossword puzzle.
But why the Swedish concentration for the vasectomy post? Do the Swedes have an unusually high…
...and we thank you.
If you look down yonder left, you'll see that my SiteMeter counter passed 100,000 visits earlier today.
To be precise, a visitor from the University of Edinburgh's Moray House Institute of Education dialed into ScienceBlogs' 'Last 24 Hours' channel at 2037 GMT and clicked on my post about yesterday's death of Dr Robert Cade, the renal physiologist who formulated Gatorade. (So that readers don't get nervous, SiteMeter doesn't track in any greater detail than that.).
So, a great many thanks to my Scottish reader for being #100,000. If I knew who you were and could be…
Like some ScienceBloggers, but not all, I have been unable to get a post to go through our MovableType interface for several days. There appears to be some offending code in some of my text but the powers-that-be are still working on it.
Thanks so much for checking in - I hope to have problems resolved shortly. (Hopefully, this minimalist text will post correctly.)