Bodily Solids

Yoshiura K, Kinoshita A, Ishida T, Ninokata A, Ishikawa T, Kaname T, Bannai M, Tokunaga K, Sonoda S, Komaki R, Ihara M, Saenko VA, Alipov GK, Sekine I, Komatsu K, Takahashi H, Nakashima M, Sosonkina N, Mapendano CK, Ghadami M, Nomura M, Liang DS, Miwa N, Kim DK, Garidkhuu A, Natsume N, Ohta T, Tomita H, Kaneko A, Kikuchi M, Russomando G, Hirayama K, Ishibashi M, Takahashi A, Saitou N, Murray JC, Saito S, Nakamura Y, Niikawa N. A SNP in the ABCC11 gene is the determinant of human earwax type. Nat Genet. 2006 Mar;38(3):324-30. Okay, firstly, that's a lot of friggin' authors. What'd they do,…
Marin R, Francis JM. A case of idiopathic fecal incontinence. Evaluation and management. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 1997 Jul-Aug;76(4):333-7. I mean, it's one thing to piss yourself, but it's another thing entirely to poop yourself. For no apparent reason. While being examined for back pain.