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January 3, 2009
Matthews MG. Autoamputation of infant's finger by knitted mitten: a forgotten hazard. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1986 Apr 26;292(6528):1107. Perhaps everybody but me knows this, but parents, don't leave knitted mittens on your infants when you put them to bed. It may sound bizarre, but it can lead to…
December 19, 2008
STUNT FAIL McCoy SH, Johnson KA. Sagittal fracture of the cervical spine. J Trauma. 1976 Apr;16(4):310-12. - SPORTS FAIL Hsieh CH, Lin GT. Thumb amputation resulting from an attempted basketball slam-dunk. Clin J Sport Med. 2006 May;16(3):274-5. - SEX FAIL Rose V, Moloney D, Fleming AN. The bra-…
December 12, 2008
Wolf J, Curtis N. Brain abscess secondary to dental braces. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2008 Jan;27(1):84-5. Blum-Hareuveni T, Rehany U, Rumelt S. Devastating endophthalmitis following penetrating ocular injury during night sleep from orthodontic headgear: case report and literature review. Graefes Arch…
December 9, 2008
Pretty IA, Hall RC. Self-extraction of teeth involving gamma-hydroxybutyric acid. J Forensic Sci. 2004 Sep;49(5):1069-72. Guy and girl are hanging out. Decide to get smashed on gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), a CNS depressant of historical medical use that is currently used as a recreational drug…
December 7, 2008
McIntosh BC, Strugar J, Narayan D. Traumatic frontal bone fracture resulting in intracerebral pneumocephalus. J Craniofac Surg. 2005 May;16(3):461-3. Some college-aged kid got smacked in the face with a golf club, breaking a bunch of stuff that required a fair bit of surgery to repair. Kid shows…
September 30, 2008
Belpoggi F, Soffritti M, Tibaldi E, Falcioni L, Bua L, Trabucco F. Results of long-term carcinogenicity bioassays on Coca-Cola administered to Sprague-Dawley rats. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006 Sep;1076:736-52. So apparently Coca-Cola causes breast and pancreatic cancers in rats. Better cut back on the…
September 10, 2008
The closest I've come to performing surgery on my self was the time I popped a really big zit behind my ear. Heck, that sucker might have even been a cyst or something. The cases I've managed to dig out and list below are, shall we say, way more friggin' impressive. Oh, and Wikipedia has a neat…
September 1, 2008
Cunningham SC, McNear B, Pearlman RS, Kern SE. Beverage-agarose gel electrophoresis: an inquiry-based laboratory exercise with virtual adaptation. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2006 Fall;5(3):281-6. Aw, universities. Engaging undergraduates by bringing beer into the laboratory. No, not hiding six-packs in the…
August 27, 2008
Yoshiura K, Kinoshita A, Ishida T, Ninokata A, Ishikawa T, Kaname T, Bannai M, Tokunaga K, Sonoda S, Komaki R, Ihara M, Saenko VA, Alipov GK, Sekine I, Komatsu K, Takahashi H, Nakashima M, Sosonkina N, Mapendano CK, Ghadami M, Nomura M, Liang DS, Miwa N, Kim DK, Garidkhuu A, Natsume N, Ohta T,…
August 24, 2008
Check out this article, which does a nice job of summarizing what clinical vampirism is all about. Honestly, all I cared about were the nasty-ass case reports. Highlights include the dude who liked to jerk off to the sight of his own blood and had managed to figure out how to cut himself so as to…
August 12, 2008
Okay, let's try again. Almond BR. Monstrous infants and vampyric mothers in Bram Stoker's "Dracula". Int J Psychoanal. 2007 Feb;88(Pt 1):219-35. "Vampires and the state of being "undead" are representations of intense oral needs, experienced in a context of passivity and helplessness." --- Stiles A…
June 24, 2008
Oh look, a blog that hasn't been updated in almost a month. Heh. When it comes to suicide, you've got a fairly standard list of methods to work with: firing a bullet into your head, consuming copious amounts of highly toxic drugs/chemicals, jumping in front or off of something, hanging your neck…
May 30, 2008
Let's be morbid, shall we? Van de Putte D, Ceelen W, Gillardin JM, Pattyn P, de Hemptinne B. Attempted Suicide by Auto-Injection of Polyurethane (PU) Foam: Report of a Case. J Trauma. 2007 Jun 1; [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available. I'm not sure how this would work. Where exactly did it get…
May 12, 2008
Thakur D, Pocha M. Pneumothorax after a roller coaster ride. Arch Dis Child. 2006 May;91(5):421. No abstract available. So riding a roller coaster can potentially cause your lung to deflate like a balloon. Now that's a ride! --- Roldan-Valadez E, Facha MT, Martinez-Lopez M, Herrera-Mora P. Subdural…
April 23, 2008
Marin R, Francis JM. A case of idiopathic fecal incontinence. Evaluation and management. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 1997 Jul-Aug;76(4):333-7. I mean, it's one thing to piss yourself, but it's another thing entirely to poop yourself. For no apparent reason. While being examined for back pain.
April 21, 2008
Hi everyone. If I could kindly direct your attention to my brand new sweet-ass (heh!) banner. It is the work of dude named Ranger Jay, which indeed is an alias. He has done a swell job and I am most pleased. Thank you to all of you who submitted banners! I appreciate you taking the time to put…
April 15, 2008
Hi all. I am hereby extending the deadline on my banner contest to the end of this week (April 18). This will hopefully coincide with an appreciable rise in posting frequency. I thank you for your patience on this matter.
April 9, 2008
Kunz J, Gross A. Victim's scalp on the killer's head. An unusual case of criminal postmortem mutilation. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2001 Sep;22(3):327-31. Dude must have watched him some Con Air. Sweet movie, BTW. John Malkovich and Steve Buscemi as murderous badasses, and Nic Cage with greasy…
March 28, 2008
Rosen T. Penile ulcer from traumatic orogenital contact. Dermatol Online J. 2005 Aug 1;11(2):18. I love how even something like 'dude gets his dick bitten by someone and the bite turns into an gross infected sore' can be transmuted into an almost pleasant and innocuous jargonistic title such as…
March 26, 2008
Hey folks, The time has come. This blog needs a groovy banner. If you design one, send it to me, and I like it, you win. I'll throw your name with a link to whatever you'd like in the sidebar, and possibly mail you a surprise* prize. The banner should be 756 x 93 pixels max. It should also not…
March 23, 2008
Ellis L, Ficek C, Burke D, Das S. Eye color, hair color, blood type, and the rhesus factor: exploring possible genetic links to sexual orientation. Arch Sex Behav. 2008 Feb;37(1):145-9. Based on a sample of 2000+ college students and people found in internet chat rooms, the authors of this paper…
March 21, 2008
Arora A, Arora M, Roffe C. Mystery of the missing denture: an unusual cause of respiratory arrest in a nonagenarian. Age Ageing. 2005 Sep;34(5):519-20. A nonagenarian is someone between 90 and 100 years old. That's really old. Behold the power of swallowing a loose denture: It got stuck in her…
March 16, 2008
So the word is on the street that if you fire a bunch of bullets up in the air, they eventually end up falling back to earth at speeds capable of killing people. Great way to celebrate, eh? Celebratory gunfire injuries occur worldwide, and represent the ultimate in preventable injury. Incorvaia AN…
March 13, 2008
I really wanted to make a Sixth Sense joke in the title of this post, but thankfully I managed to overcome my deep-seated desire to fill this blog with nine year old pop culture references and decided that classic Seuss was the way to go. Now to offend some of you. Catanese G, Bloom T. Recovery of…
March 11, 2008
Chodorowski Z, Sein Anand J. [Internet as a means of persuading a patient to commit a suicide] Przegl Lek. 2002;59(4-5):375-6. Polish. So apparently this lady in Poland trolled the internet for a depressed student, found one, and then proceeded to badger her into committing suicide by sending her…
March 3, 2008
Lane N, Graudins A. "Punk" rock can be bad for you: a case of surgical emphysema from a "punk" rocker's leather jacket. Emerg Med J. 2006 Jun;23(6):e35. Sheena is a "punk" rocker / Sheena is a "punk" rocker / Sheena is a "punk" rocker with a hole in her chest --- le Roux FH, Bouic PJ, Bester MM.…
February 27, 2008
Sauper T, Lanthaler M, Biebl M, Weiss H, Nehoda H. Impaired anal sphincter function in professional cyclists. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2007;119(5-6):170-3. Professional cycling: Voluntary defecation control is for pussies.
February 25, 2008
Frey FJ. [Microwave-induced heating injury] Ther Umsch. 2004 Dec;61(12):703-6. German. This one's in German. Though I no spreken ze deutch, the translated abstract tells the sad medical tale of a diabetic who was burnt by a warm-up pillow that was overheated in a microwave. The burns lead to…
February 16, 2008
Pearce JM. Misoplegia. Eur Neurol. 2007;57(1):62-4. Epub 2006 Nov 20. Review. Hemiplegia is paralysis of one side of the body. It can be congenital or acquired as the result of disease or injury involving the spinal cord and/or brain. Stroke is a common cause. Misoplegia is the hatred of paralyzed…
February 15, 2008
Straumanis JP. Disclosure of medical error: is it worth the risk? Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2007 Mar;8(2 Suppl):S38-43. Hells no. Not unless you get off on having personal injury lawsuits filed against you. Which, admittedly, would be an interesting kink. --- Comparison of a manual and an automated…