Careers in Science

As any working scientist knows, writing grant proposals is a necessary skill to learn if your lab relies on government or other outside funding to operate. And ScienceBloggers know the process well: From how to allocate investigator effort across multiple grants, to who ought to be allowed access to grant proposals, to how many sleepless nights are involved in a single application, bloggers are delving into the nitty-gritty details of grant preparation. Isis the Scientist offers what is perhaps most needed for an overworked researcher--the perfect musical accompaniment to keep motivation…
"One of the difficulties with trying to broaden the usual definition of scientists is that there's not a lot of press for non-academic science," Chad Orzel wrote recently on Uncertain Principles. So he decided to give it some exposure himself. Chad's call for scientists with non-academic careers returned a wealth of responses, from the Chief Scientist of an Army laboratory to a communications specialist for the British government. Each of the participants holds a degree in science, but their interviews reveal broad differences in career paths, work environments, and daily routines. See the…